ESR írta:

So, @pilotfella, have you figured out yet that it was snottiness and arrogance like yours that got a clear majority of Americans to vote for Trump? I'm not MAGA myself, I'm a libertarian who has some serious differences with Trump and his fans. But man, I cannot blame them for being pissed off at jerks like you. You got what you deserved; try to learn from it.

Eric S. Raymond-ot elsősorban mint az open source atyját ismerjük, de aki követi a Twitter-en, az láthatja, hogy rendszeresen nyilvánul meg erőteljesen politikai kérdésekben is. Ismert tény, hogy fegyverrajongó, s mint ilyen, nehezen kerülheti el, hogy politikai állásfoglalásokat tegyen időről időre:

Hát, az van srácok, hogy ha élsz, akkor baromi nehéz a politikát teljes mértékben mellőzni 🤷‍♂️

ESR írta:

I was asked last night why, when I talk about politics, I focus on gun rights so much. Surely, said querent, there are lots of other important things for a libertarian like you to weigh in on. Censorship. DEI. AGW hysteria. The list goes on...

Fair question. It's because many years ago L. Neil Smith, a libertarian SF writer sadly no longer with us, persuaded me of something important.

A politician's attitude about firearms rights is a very reliable index for his actual attitude about individual freedom and agency.

Never mind what they say about other issues. A politician standing up for the right of ordinary citizens to be armed is sending a very reliable signal that he values their ability to assert their freedom, and trusts them to generally make correct choices about the use of violence even it might be directed against himself.

Conversely, a politician who is against gun rights is telling on himself. He fears the wrath of the people and wants them disempowered. He does not trust them to employ violence only when necessary.

And that's actually the best case. In far too many cases, anti-gun politicians clearly dream of being the jackboot that stomps on human faces forever, and view the disarmament of the general population as a step towards that end.

If I must have politicians meddling in my affairs, I demand at the very least that they respect my freedom and my agency. That's why I demand that they respect my right to keep and bear arms.

Gun rights may look like a narrow single issue. It isn't. It's an even better index of a politician's attitude about liberty than questions about free speech and censorship, because it pushes the stakes higher. Because words can't kill you, but arms wielded by enraged citizens can.

No matter what soothing words drop from his lips, no matter what promises he makes, the politician who tries to disarm you is always, always, always your enemy. Never forget that.

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